Start/stop time. When paused the Earth does not rotate and launch simulations do not run.
Toggle coordinate system axis and equatorial plane visualisations.
Mute/enable burn and crash sounds.
Clear all orbits and launches.
× n buttons change the "speed" of time to n-times real-time speed.
To visualise an orbit enter a name for it and click "add orbit". Use the sliders to adjust the elements of the orbit. You can also type in values after clicking the corresponding
icon or the numerical value of the parameter.
Drag this icon into a launch to start a simulation with the current orbital parameters.
Click to toggle the display of the orbital plane and angle visualisations.
Click to toggle only the orbital plane visualisation.
To add a launch simulation enter a name for it and click "add orbit". Use the sliders to adjust latitude (φ) and longitude (λ) of the launch as well as the longitude of the ascending node (Ω). You can also type in values after clicking the corresponding
icon or the numerical value of the parameter. You can select the latitude and longitude of a few well known launch facilities by clicking on the name of the launch.
Toggles the view of the burn profile editors.
Selecting this icon causes the camera to follow the launched rocket as it moves along the trajectory.
Select different components of the thrust vector by clicking on the corresponding tab. The radial component is always in the direction away from the center of the Earth. The normal component is normal to the initial orbital plane set through the latitude, longitude and the longitude of the ascending node if "trajectory lock" is shown. If this button is toggled to "trajectory lock" then the normal direction is in the direction of the instantaneous angular momentum. The tangential component is orthogonal to the radial and normal components. Click "add point" to add a point to the burn graph. Click "clear points" to remove all points for the currently selected graph. Double click on a point to move it using the arrow keys on the keyboard for fine tuning. Click "fire" to start the simulation and apply the burn profile. You can edit the graphs while the simulation is running. All changes are live and take effect immediately. Click "fire" again to stop the burn. Clicking "fire" yet again will start playing the burn from the start (use the general pause button if you want to pause everything).